SV: Something is using all CPU-time

Hi again!

After upgrading AIX the problem disappeared! - scary.


Anders Meyer

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra:	Yves Lafon []
Sendt:	8. november 1999 18:18
Til:	Anders Meyer
Cc:	Jigsaw Mailing List
Emne:	Re: Something is using all CPU-time

On Thu, 4 Nov 1999, Anders Meyer wrote:

> Hi there!
> I have got a problem with my system. I am running jigsaw - the only 
> application running is a servlet. When we have a heavi load the the java 
> process suddenly starts to use a lot of CPU time. Everything is running 
> fine - but slow!
> I made some thead dumps - it revealed 2 threads (in suspended mode) "stuck" 
> in the servlet. Has anyone got i good idea how to solve this?
> The threads stuck looks similar to this:
> Code)
> Code)
> Code)
> Code)
> Code)
> Code)
>         com.Polinfo.Polinfo.sendBrsCmd(Compiled Code)
> Could this be a problem running jdk 1.1.6 on AIX?

You can add timeouts if it is related to socket streams, you will be
notified then if there is a problem on the socket (stuck connection).
Also check that you detect well the end of connection (-1 on the stream or
IO error), then, verify that the jdk itself is not the culprit (ie: bad
detection of EOF in some cases)
Hope this helps

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
 /  \    \/\    
/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 1999 10:39:04 UTC