Re: Using Jigsaw as proxy to another proxy ?

I have been trying to understand how to customize my proxy for about a
week now. Trying to figure out how to proxy all URLs except one
corresponding to a servlet on the proxy configured Jigsaw server.

I tried modifying the lookup mechanism in ProxyFrame class.
I tried adding a ErrorFilter class and modifying the ingoing filter

I have been able to trap the URL and print a customized error message
and proxy everything else, but I haven't been able to activate the
servlet from inside ErrorFilter's ingoing Filter.

Now I read the email about ProxyDispatcher and believe it may enable me
to do what I want to do- namely proxy everything except one servlet
which is executed inside the proxy server.

I followed the links from the ProxyDispatcher email and found the new
development version jars and zips and copied them into the locations
obliterating the earlier versions.

I've read the directions on the ProxyDispatcher Rule syntax and the
example rule file. I think my file would be:
#Make all acess to local proxy
* proxy http://localHost:8001/

#Access my servlet URL directly
localHost:8001/servlet/* direct

I've opened JigAdmin and don't see how to add ProxyDispatcher to the
ProxyFrame. the ProxyDispatcher filter class did not show up in the list
of options when I tried to add it. When I tried to type in the class
name directly:


I got the error message "invalid frame class".

I also don't see how to indicate to ProxyDispatcher where my rule file
is once I figure out how to integrate it into the server.

I looked in the http-server.prop file and did not see anything
resembling a proxyDispatcher rule file entry. I'm not sure what I am
supposed to manually edit in the prop file.


1) will this approach allow my server to proxy all URLs except local
servlets and instead locate and activate the local servlets on the proxy
configured Jigsaw server?

2) should ProxyDispatcher filter appear in the list of available
resources in JigAdmin?



Received on Monday, 24 May 1999 17:23:18 UTC