jigsaw contribution: CompressFilter

Hi !


I tried out GZIPFilter (attached to a HTTPFrame), but I saw only rubbish
in the web-browsers
(did I do something wrong here ?).

Therefore, I wrote a replacement for GZIPFrame, adding some features
like variable buffer size
(to get a little bit control of the CPU usage of this frame), and I've
added "compress" encoding.


If someone has information about the "deflate" compression supported by
MS Internet Explorer,
let me know this info that I can extend CompressFrame with this


Source is included as an attachment.



  __ .  . __
 (o.\ \/ /.o)  Roland Mainz                               C programmer
  \__\/\/__/   Roland.Mainz@informatik.med.uni-giessen.de MPEG specialist
  /O /==\ O\   gisburn@w-specht.rhein-ruhr.de             Sun&&Amiga programmer
 (;O/ \/ \O;)  TEL +49 (0) 2426901568  FAX +49 (0) 2426901569
// $Id: CompressFilter.java,v 1.1 1998/04/05 11:06:24 gisburn Exp $
// Written by Roland Mainz (Roland.Mainz@informatik.med.uni-giessen.de)
// based on GZIPFilter.java 1.7 written by the Jigsaw team

package org.w3c.jigsaw.filters;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.zip.*;

import org.w3c.tools.resources.*;
import org.w3c.www.mime.*;
import org.w3c.www.http.*;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.http.*;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.resources.*;

 * This filter will compress the content of replies.
 * Compression is done <em>on the fly</em>. This assumes that you're really
 * on a slow link, where you have lots of CPU, but not much bandwidth.
 * <p>A nifty usage for that filter, is to plug it on top of a
 * <code>org.w3c.jigsaw.proxy.ProxyDirectory</code>, in which case it
 * will compress the data when it flies out of the proxy.

public class CompressFilter extends ResourceFilter 
     * This class implements the thread which moves data 
     * from given in to out because we cannot do this on the 
     * calling filter thread.
    class DataMover extends Thread 
        InputStream  in   = null;
        OutputStream out  = null;

        public void run() 
              byte buf[] = new byte[ 512 ];
              int  got   = -1;
              while( (got = in.read( buf ) ) >= 0 ) 
                out.write( buf, 0, got );
            catch( IOException ex ) 
              System.err.print( getName() + ": I/O failure" ); ex.printStackTrace();
              try { in.close();  } catch( Exception ex ) { /* ignored */ };
              try { out.close(); } catch( Exception ex ) { /* ignored */ };

        DataMover( InputStream in, OutputStream out ) 
            this.in   = in;
            this.out  = out;
            // FIXME: the thread name should contain more info...
            setName( "CompressDataMover" );
     * Do debugging ?
    final static private boolean doDebug = false; 
     * Attribute index - List of MIME type that we can compress
    protected static int ATTR_MIME_TYPES  = -1;
     * Attribute index - Compress buffer size.
     * Larger values means better compression, but more CPU usage;
     * small values means less compression, but less CPU usage.
     * Not that some compressions like "compress" (zip compression) does 
     * not respect this attribute (but "gzip" does) !
    protected static int ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE = -1;
     * Buffer size special value "-1": Use default buffer size for this compression.
    final static public int useDefaultBufferSize = -1;
        Class     c = null;
        Attribute a = null;
          c = Class.forName( "org.w3c.jigsaw.filters.CompressFilter" );
        catch( Exception ex ) 
          System.exit( 1 );
        d( "compress filter loaded." );
        // this should be a useable default: compress all text based 
        // content (html, xml, plain text etc.)
        final String mime_type_defaults[] = { "text/*" };
        // Register the MIME types attribute:
        a = new StringArrayAttribute( "mime-types",
                                      Attribute.EDITABLE );
        ATTR_MIME_TYPES = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute( c, a );
        // Register the buffer size attribute:
        a = new IntegerAttribute( "buffer-size",
                                  new Integer( useDefaultBufferSize ),
                                  Attribute.EDITABLE );
        ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute( c, a );
     * The set of MIME types we are allowed to compress.
    protected MimeType types[] = null;

     * Catch the setting of mime types to compress.
     * @param idx The attribute being set.
     * @param val The new attribute value.
    public void setValue( int idx, Object value ) 
        super.setValue( idx, value );
        // FIXME: What about ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE ?
        if( idx == ATTR_MIME_TYPES ) 
          synchronized( this ) 
            types = null;
     * get the buffer size
    public synchronized int  getBufferSize() 
        Integer val = (Integer)getValue( ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE, null );
        if( val == null ) // use default buffer size 
            return( useDefaultBufferSize );
        return( val.intValue() );

     * Get the set of MIME types to match:
     * @return An array of MimeType instances.
    public synchronized MimeType[] getMimeTypes() 
        if( types == null ) 
          String strtypes[] = (String[])getValue( ATTR_MIME_TYPES, null );
          if( strtypes == null )
            return( null );
          types = new MimeType[strtypes.length];
          for( int i = 0 ; i < types.length ; i++)  
              types[i] = new MimeType( strtypes[i] );
            catch( Exception ex ) 
              types[i] = null;
        return( types );
    // tested with Lynx
    protected void doCompress( Reply reply, int bufferSize ) throws Exception
        d( "using compress compression, buffer = " + bufferSize + "." );
        PipedOutputStream pout = new PipedOutputStream();
        PipedInputStream  pin  = new PipedInputStream( pout );
        ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream( pout );
        zout.putNextEntry( new ZipEntry( "x" ) ); // add a ZIP entry 
        new DataMover( reply.openStream(), zout );
        reply.addContentEncoding( "compress" );
        reply.setContentLength( -1 );
        reply.setStream( pin );             
    // tested with Netscape 4.x, 5.x, IE 5 and Lynx
    protected void doGZIP( Reply reply, int bufferSize ) throws Exception
        d( "using gzip compression, buffer = " + bufferSize + "." );

        PipedOutputStream pout = new PipedOutputStream();
        PipedInputStream  pin  = new PipedInputStream( pout );
        OutputStream out = (bufferSize == useDefaultBufferSize)?
                                 (new GZIPOutputStream( pout )):
                                 (new GZIPOutputStream( pout, bufferSize ));
        new DataMover( reply.openStream(), out );
        reply.addContentEncoding( "gzip" );
        reply.setContentLength( -1 );
        reply.setStream( pin );

    // don#t have any info about this compression method - seems that only 
    // IE supports it 
    // void doDeflate( Reply reply ) throws Exception

     * @param request The original request.
     * @param reply It's original reply. 
     * @return A Reply instance, or <strong>null</strong> if processing 
     * should continue normally. 
     * @exception ProtocolException If processing should be interrupted, 
     * because an abnormal situation occured. 
    public ReplyInterface outgoingFilter( RequestInterface req, ReplyInterface rep ) 
        throws ProtocolException
        Request request = (Request)req;
        Reply   reply   = (Reply)rep;
        // Anything to compress ?
        if( !reply.hasStream() )
          return( null );
        // Match possible mime types:
        MimeType t[]        = getMimeTypes();
        int      bufferSize = getBufferSize();
        boolean  matched    = false;
        if( t != null ) 
          for( int i = 0 ; i < t.length ; i++) 
            if( t[i] == null )
            if( t[i].match( reply.getContentType() ) > 0 ) 
              matched = true;
        // no mimetypes matched ?
        if( !matched ) 
          return( null );
        // FIXME: IMHO it will cause havoc if outgoing data are already compressed...
        // We should add here a check whether a content-encoding is present, and abort
        // our work here in this case.
        HttpAcceptEncoding encodings[] = request.getAcceptEncoding();
        // no encodings set (e.g. no encodings supported) ?
        if( encodings == null )
          return( null );  
        // TODO: The incoming array of Accept-Encodings should be sorted by quality, 
        //       if there is such a thing for this kind of headers
          for( int i = 0 ; i < encodings.length ; i++ )
            String e = encodings[i].toString();
            if( e.indexOf( "compress" ) != -1 )
              doCompress( reply, bufferSize );
              return( null );
            else if( e.indexOf( "gzip" ) != -1 )
              doGZIP( reply, bufferSize );
              return( null );
              // unsupported encoding (deflate etc.)
              d( "unsupported encoding `" + e + "`." );
        catch( Exception exc )
        return( null );
    private static void d( String s )
        if( doDebug ) System.err.println( "CompressFilter: " + s );

Received on Monday, 3 May 1999 22:04:30 UTC