Re: memory usage

I have tried using the standard "Monitor de sistema" microsoft tool to monitor
memory and I don't understand the results. The "Memoria fisica no usada" is
always close to 0 and the "memoria asignada" is above 65Mbytes on my 32Mb physical
memory machine!

Do *not* try disabling virtual memory. My machine failed to reboot after I did this
"insufficient memory errors". So it seems that my windows needs 65Mbytes just to
(and presumably swaps to achieve it)!. I managed to recover by holding down the
control key during restart and selecting "modo prueba de fallos" (test of faults
mode) and
then reenabling the virtual memory. Don't try this at home.

I think the microsoft tool is poorly documented but then I don't understand my
memory or ps stats either!.

Please can someone tell me how to measure and interpret memory use or cpu time
by a java process on Linux and  Windows?

Chris Turner,

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 1999 17:27:21 UTC