Re: images

On Thu, 25 Mar 1999, Christopher William Turner wrote:

> Here are my test results (all with Browser IE4 on Win98):-
> Jigsaw compiled JDK1.2 on Win98 but server executing on Linux JDK1.1.7
> the problem is present.
> The w3 own online docs, server unknown, OS unknown, JDK unknown
> the problem is present.
> Jigsaw compiled JDK1.2 on Win98 server executing on Win98 JRE1.2
> The problem is present.
> Now if is not Jigsaw, then Jigsaw is cleared!. is an Apache (Jigsaw was not that stable for a big site at
that time), but is (running on an old and small solaris2.5
box). Apache, as it doesn't have a global view of connections (forked
process and not threads) it has a very short timeout on persistent
connections. I suspect that the close of the stream must trigger some
action in IE (1.0 like), and it is not happening using Jigsaw, as the
timeout is quite long (more than 30mn by default if my memory is good).
If you got the problem on Apache also, then it still may be the 1.1

One workaround maybe the following (roughly)

outGoingFilter (Request req, Reply per) {
if (req.getUserAgent() == IE4)

and to have this filter on the protocol frame of the root resource.
But it is a dirty hack :)

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
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Received on Thursday, 25 March 1999 09:39:44 UTC