Re: jigsaw problem with servlets and ServletException...

I had a too many open files exception today. But my servlet does out.close()
at the end of doGet(). I ran /usr/proc/bin/pfiles on the java executable and
saw that many of the currently open files are .shtml files - in fact the
set of files are open many times. I found some messages in the archives from
June 1998 about .shtml and too many open files - is there a known problem
still lingering in Jigsaw 2.0.1? (My .shtml files use #include as the only
SSI command; they do not include any Java or servlet calls; the servlet I
refer to above was used to get _to_ the .shtml file, it's not part of it)

The process currently has 41 open descriptors out of a limit of 64. Okay,
the limit should be higher. Still, why is Jigsaw keeping multiple
open on the same file? (even long after the page has been served and the
client has gone away)

Roland Mainz wrote:
> I figured out a problem with jigsaw and servlets:
> If a servlet does not .close() the output stream, jigsaw seems to run
> out of open files
> after some - ähm - xxxx service cycles. This problem mainly occurs if a
> servlet
> throws a ServletException (or any other Exception); and some other
> servlet examples
> simply missing a .close() statement.

Jeff Van Epps

Received on Thursday, 18 March 1999 03:48:45 UTC