AW: Problem in accessing GIF files

I'm having the same problem with JigSaw.
But it turned out that this is bound to using MSIE.
When I use Netscape, JigSaw works as expected.


> -----
> Re: Problem in accessing GIF files
> Hi,
>     I am facing a problem with Jigsaw 2.0.1 version. When I start
> jigsaw on
> my pentium computer and try to access its documentation through Internet
> explorer 4.01; explorer shows the text but it failed to access
> gif files and
> after that even if  I stop jigshow; this problem persists. I had to reboot
> my machine to function Internet explorer normally.
> 	Please suggest what could be reason ?

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 1999 04:30:33 UTC