Re: changing default index page


I had the same problem under NT, perhaps a little bug...I ended be renaming 
my index.html to overview.html (not really very elegant but...)

Le 19:31 17/08/99 -0400, lacall a écrit:
>I've changed the default index page for Jigsaw several times to a different
>file, and it works until I close and restart the server, at which time it is
>reset to "Overview.html".
>I click "commit" and "save", and "stop" in various combinations to no avail,
>after making the change. Could there be something else I'm  doing wrong?
>Many thanks for a fun, useful product.
>Luke Call
>EDM Group
>Micron Technology, Boise

| Luc Saint-Elie                                 |
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Received on Wednesday, 18 August 1999 04:29:26 UTC