Re: Interesting repository warning - question - what does it mean?

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Dan Hansen wrote:

> ********* WARNING *********
> []:
> repository st-29 esists! using st-30
> ***************************
> What does this mean?

It means that there is an unknown store, probably the result of a brutal
shutdown (ctrl-c or reboot). This store seems unknown to the server but it
prefers skipping it instead overwriting it (just in case it may be there
for a reason).

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
 /  \    \/\    
/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Monday, 2 August 1999 15:59:32 UTC