SSL and 2.03

So I've been trying to integrate the SSL part on the 2.0.3 version :
Unzip the whole 2.0.3 version into a directory.
Add the required props files, certificate file, specific jar files.
Have a correct classpath.
Lauch Install, then launch the CertificateManager.
I still have to replace "https" into "http" in all URL call from the 
otherwise it doesn't work ( Loader Exception ).
example : 
public URL getURL() {
        if (!ssl_enabled)
                return super.getURL();

        if (url == null) {
                 try {
                        url = new URL("http", host, port, "/");
/*                      if (port != 443) 
                            url = new URL("http", host, port, "/");
                            url = new URL("http", host, "/");

Versions used : Win95, JDK 1.2.2, Servlet JDK 2.1, Jigsaw 2.0.3 and IAIK
seems to be as 16/07/99.

When I lauch the server and access it, it works.
If I try to admin the server, I get an 'Invalid ressource' message when
clicking on http or https server
and then I can no more access the server.
It was almost working fine with Jigsaw 2.0.2, except for the http / https
modification in the file.

Is there an incompatibility between both version ?
Is there a way around ?
I admit that there's a lot of legal stuff involved into encryption, but
is that such a bad idea to have a Jigsaw version supporting SSL, even if I
need to
obtain the cryptic stuff somewhere else ?

Regards - Jacques Brax

Received on Thursday, 29 July 1999 12:33:23 UTC