Re: Using Sun's JSWDK (JSP) with Jigsaw

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, Ray Allis wrote:

> I read the FAQ item about JSP, but Sun's has a whole .jar file instead
> of one servlet
> as in GNU's.  So, I put servlet.jar and jspengine.jar in
> /site/jdk1.2.2/jre/lib/ext/, added
> jsp to default indexer's extensions, pointed jsp's ServletMapperFrame to
> com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspServlet.  I also have a ServletWrapper named
> JspServlet
> in /servlet, with a Servlet Class of com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspServlet, and
> a parameter
> of "scratchdir=/site/Jigsaw/Jigsaw/compiledPage.  (Redundant?)
> gets me "Not Found" and
> 628 /export/home/ray:Scratch dir for JSP-generated
> servlets is: /site/Jigsaw/Jigsaw/compiledPage
> IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets
> JspEngine --> /servlet/JspServlet

I struggle with it a little this morning, and here is a setup that works:

First, SUN's servlet engine uses given PATH to the servlet to read the jsp
file, it means that you should not use ServletMapperFrame on top of a
FileResource, but directly create the resource as a servlet.
So I created a jspindexer with the following settings:

 -- directories
 |   |
 |   -- *default* (org.w3c.jigsaw.resources.PassDirectory)
 |       		(ServletDirectoryFrame)
 -- extensions
     -- jsp (org.w3c.jigsaw.servlet.ServletWrapper) (it create its frame
                  (ServletWrapperFrame)              directly)

the servlet class is com.sun.jsp.runtime.JspServlet
and "scratchdir=<mypath>/Jigsaw/Jigsaw/compiledPage"
in the servler parameters.

I set the dir to have jspindexer as the indexer, and it worked :) (Of
course i you do it afterward, you should remove all the resources behind
and recreate them, as the directories should have a ServletDirectoryFrame)

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
 /  \    \/\    
/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Friday, 16 July 1999 08:17:14 UTC