Dumping HTML files from a servlet

I have a generic page like this

|      |                         |
|  MS  |        BS               |
|      |                         |
|      |                         |

Where MS and BS are SSI's refering to
MenuServlet (MS)
BodyServlet (BS)

This allows me to create one index.shtml page that dynamically changes
based on the parameters passed an your session

(ex: index.shtml?page=login for login page , index.shtml?page=main for 
     "main" page, etc)

The BS and MS servlets just dump an HTML file to the servlet's 
response request. Sort of like this.

if (page.equals("login"))
	dumpFile("/etc/restricted/login.html", res);
if (page.equals("main")) { ... }


This works fine.

However, now I want to make login.html more dynamic, and make
a login.shtml page. However, when I'm "dumping" the file, I'm 
bypassing jigsaw right ? 

How can I return a file (which is outside the server root by the way)
and have it be parsed by jigsaw for server side includes. Is this
possible ?
If so, is there a standard way to do this with servlets or a Jigsaw
specific way.

What I'm going to do in the meantime is have a dumpFile() that can
text, YUCK ! It would be much better to filter it through the server's 



Received on Wednesday, 14 July 1999 19:52:59 UTC