Re: can't start install.class


This is a very (very very) classical CLASSPATH problem

here is the content of my install.bat file (I use Win 98):

cd D:\Jigsaw\Jigsaw
java Install

Le 03:18 14/07/99 -0400, Mykola A. Nickishov a écrit:
>According to installation manual I must run Install.class for
>installation of Jigsaw. But there is errorlog:
>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Install
>Any advice?

| Luc Saint-Elie                                 |
| Development and marketing manager              |
| Pictoris - Paris - France                      |
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| email :                    |
| Java Server Side Open Source technologies      |
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Received on Wednesday, 14 July 1999 19:51:23 UTC