Re: SSI and servlet parameters

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Jeff Van Epps wrote:

> I have not heard from anyone else who is having this problem. I have not
> heard
> from anyone who is NOT having this problem either.
> Are multiple servlet parameters from a #servlet working for other people?
> Is #include virtual for a servlet showing up at the proper place in the
> output for others?
> Is there an easy way for a servlet to tell if it is being #included?
> Jeff Van Epps wrote:
> > 
> > Okay, I see numerous examples in the mailing list archives of passing
> > parameters
> > to servlets. They just don't work.
> > 
> > <!--#servlet name="fred" code="/music/query">
> > <!--#servlet name="fred" param="bandid" value="217">
> > <!--#servlet name="fred" param="mode" value="gen">

I did some tests with the snoop servlet: here is the example:
 <!--#servlet name="Snoop" param="p1" value="v1" -->
 <!--#servlet name="Snoop" param="p2" value="v2" -->
 <!--#servlet name="Snoop" param="p3" value="v3" -->
 <!--#servlet name="Snoop" param="p4" value="v4" -->
 <!--#servlet name="Snoop" param="p4" value="v4bis" -->
 <!--#servlet name="Snoop" code="/servlet/SnoopServlet" param="toto"
value="titi" -->

(toto is the french version of foo ;) ).

And I get:
Servlet parameters (Single Value style):
 p4 = v4
 p3 = v3
 p2 = v2
 p1 = v1
 toto = titi

Servlet parameters (Multiple Value style):
p4 = v4
p3 = v3
p2 = v2
p1 = v1
toto = titi

However, if I put the code parameter in the first line:
 <!--#servlet name="Snoop" code="/servlet/SnoopServlet" param="toto"
 <!--#servlet name="Snoop" param="p1" value="v1" -->
 <!--#servlet name="Snoop" param="p2" value="v2" -->
Then I get only the first value.
So I suggest you put the first line containing "code" as your last line in
the block as a temporary solution.

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
 /  \    \/\    
/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Monday, 5 July 1999 10:23:14 UTC