Re: Restart the server

No the restart doesn't work (for unkown reason), if you want to
restart the server, stop it an launch it again [1]

The servlet is reloaded each time its class change.


Regards, Benoit.

Stephane VAST wrote:

> Hi all,
> Maybe it is a newbee question:
> Does the 'restart' feature work in Jigadmin, or is it
> really 'not implemented' as Jigadmin writes ?
> Is there an easy way to restart a servlet or the http server ?
> thanks
> Stephane

- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team - - +

Received on Tuesday, 23 February 1999 07:39:27 UTC