Re: unter Linux!

On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Wolfgang Platzer wrote:

> How can I compile unix.c under Linux?
> I changed to directory src/lib/unix and typed: make after changing the 2
> directories in the Makefile.
> But I get an error message like:
> make: *** No rule to make target `org_w3c_util_Unix.h', needed by `stubs'.
> Stop.
> Can anyone help me (or mail me a for Linux for glibc)?

Here is the make output (I changed some include for linux)
I also changed the "long" to "t_int32", as the compiler was complaining.

javah -o org_w3c_util_Unix.h org.w3c.util.Unix
javah -o org_w3c_util_Unix.c -stubs org.w3c.util.Unix
gcc -I/usr/local/java11/include -I/usr/local/java11/include/genunix -fpic
-O   -c unix.c -o unix.o
gcc -I/usr/local/java11/include -I/usr/local/java11/include/genunix -fpic
-O   -c org_w3c_util_Unix.c -o org_w3c_util_Unix.o
ld -r -o unix.o org_w3c_util_Unix.o 

I only have the libc5 version :(

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Received on Friday, 29 January 1999 08:04:49 UTC