Installing jigsaw

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my installation attempts?

I downloaded and unzipped the latest jigsaw for Win95 yesterday, 
apparently successfully.

I placed it in c:\js and
set classpath = c:\js\jigsaw\jigsaw\classes\  

as instructed in the documentation. 

I am using JDK1.2, and have the path to c:\jdk1.2\bin set in the 

When I do      c:\js\jigsaw\jigsaw java Install

I get the following exception:-

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
: org/w3c/jigsaw/http/http
at Install.install(
at Install.main(

Is there a bug ? Is there anything I can do ? I have been trying all 
day with this, I have tried leaving out the drive letter in the 
classpath, turning the slashes the otherway round, etc., but all with 
no luck.  Other programs will run with my installation of JDK1.2, so 
presumably this is working ok.  The file is definitely in 
the classes directory, and is not empty.  

Please help, thanks in advance,


Received on Wednesday, 27 January 1999 14:57:46 UTC