Jigsaw happiness

I would like to report that Jigsaw is working very well for me and
java based client server apps..

My version of jigsaw?. 2.0.0 (not beta) is OK.An older version did not
configured for support serving jar files. Check (using jigadm) that
extension "jar"
has "Content Type" as "application/octet-stream" and configure if

In left-hand tree browser select

then in right hand panel select Frames then in right-hand frame tree
jar/HTTPFrame(frame-0) and ensure that field "Content Type" has value

If you use ".class" files then you should add an extension for this file
type as
well (also configured
as "application/octet-stream")

I have no applet or servlet problems. I compiled everything with java
1.2 (taking
care not to
use Java 1.2 new methods) and I run using
Linux JDK 1.1.7a on server and JRE1.2 on windows 98 client. The applets
use jar files (no class files) and also the servlets are in jar files
directory has
no java or class files).

Chris Turner, http://www.cycom.co.uk/

Received on Tuesday, 26 January 1999 17:08:33 UTC