Re: question when installing

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Li, Jiefeng wrote:

> Hello,
> I downloaded from site:
> <> 
> But it meets some problems when running, the error is listed below:

This is a classloader bug of jdk1.2 on NT. There are two kludges possible
to make it run smoothly.
The first one is jdk 1.2 only, in the constructor of
org/w3c/www/http/HttpDate, replace 
            this.cls    = Class.forName(clsname);
this.cls = Class.forName(clsname, true, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
This is exactly the same thing but this one works better ;)
Then recompile and you're all set.
The second possible fix (bacward compatible with jdk1.1) is to add
after the Class.forName(clsname);
of course you can add a if(jdk_bug) with jdk_bug declared as a private
static final boolean (a kind of #ifdef, jdk bugs are a pain).
I can mail you an updated zip directly if you want.

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
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Received on Tuesday, 12 January 1999 04:07:43 UTC