survey example using http form

Hello Benoit,
Sorry to bug again, but I'm having a really hard time setting up the right
thing in order to user the servlet with http form.  You told me to setup the
ResultDir parameter, and I'm not quite sure how to do that.  I'm new to
Jigsaw and I don't know too much about the system yet.  Could you please go
step by step and explain to me how to get the Survey example running.  All
the other examples worked fine, but not this one...
I will greatly appreciate your help,
Hoang Tran

ps: when I ran it, I get the message: "should have seen one parameter name"

>Well, don't you forget to setup the ResultDir parameter? With
>JigAdmin, select the survey ServletWrapper and setup ResultDir as
>a parameter (that must be a writable directory).
>Regards, Benoit

Received on Saturday, 17 October 1998 07:45:26 UTC