Filters without a proxy

Hi everyone,

I want to serve a html file with a standard style sheet. The problem is
that the user
should not modify the style sheet. 
The first idea was to call a servlet that reads thehtml page and puts the
style sheet link in the
reply stream. Unfortunately ( :-( I had to think first ) all links are
broken in the served document.
After studying the jigsaw doc the second was to attch a filter to a
HTTP-Frame, but in the doc I didn't found 
any hints to integrate a filter in jigsaw (jigadm). Must I install jigsaw
as a proxy or is threre another way ? (perhaps 
recompiling the src tree) ?

much thanx

Guido Paschke

(currenty working at
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Guido Paschke 
@ Fachhochschule Nordostniedersachsen FB Wirtschaft

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Received on Monday, 21 December 1998 17:39:29 UTC