Filters and JDK1.2

>        assume that I write a filter named "",I compile
>    it ,get a class named "myDebugFilter.class" , where and how should I
>    place the  class.

I used a full package name of org.w3c.www.protocol.http.CWTDebugFilterand I
placed it inside jigsaw.jar which I rebuilt from a full compile of all
jigsaw sources
(jigsaw2.0beta3 using JDK1.2beta4 and fixing all the jigsaw name clashes)

You will not see your filter on any choice lists in jigadm. You have to
remember its classname and add it from jigadm at the following tree

--------------->proxy (the attribute panel has a "filters" field. Press the
"edit" button)

The edit panel has an unlabeled text box on the right. Type you full class
name here,
then click the button marked "<" to see it added to list shown in the left
"Selection" panel.
Press OK, then Commit, then save and stop the server.

>        how can i see the resource ,frame and filter in jigadm like this:
>              proxy
>                |
>                |__Proxyfram(fram-0)
>                     |
>                     |__myDebugFlter(frame-0)

You don't see it like this for the global *protocol* filter which I have
described. Notice that my filter was added under the
"http-server--->properties--->proxy" node and *not*under the
"http-server-->space--->proxy" node.

There is more than one sort of filter in jigsaw and it may be that you want
a different
sort to the one I have experimented with.

find  . -name "*Filter*" -print
to see the various places in jigsaw where filters operate.

My proxy debug filter has had serious errors fixed and now does capture
"POST" messages and html replies. I attach a jar of source files for the new
filter and the files
I modified to get a clean compile with JDK1.2.

Chris Turner,

Received on Friday, 18 December 1998 07:23:33 UTC