log and style sheets

>Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 23:24:21 +0100
>To: jigmail
>From: Guido Paschke <wgp031@rzserv2.fh-lueneburg.de>
>Subject: log and style sheets
>Hash: SHA1
>Hello Jigsaw Team,
>I have a couple of questions to ask:
>1. log format of jigsaw (CLF, ELF, ..) ?
>2. most GET request are HTTP/1.1 - is this browser dependent ? (IE, 
>Amaya, etc.)
>2.1 sonetimes I got a "304 -1", sometimes not ???
>3. assigning a style sheet to a HTML document doesn't work !! Here is 
>what I have done:
>	1. creating a style sheet named "heading.css" in /style (see below)
>		H1 { 
>		     font-family: helvetica; 
>		     font-size: 16pt; 
>		     color: #FF0000
>		   }
>		H2 { 
>		     font-size: 14pt; 
>		     color: #0000FF
>	           }
>	2. change the "style sheet" - attribute of dokument 
>/test/styletest.html to
>	   /style/heading.css
>	3. Result: Jigsaw serves the document correctly but WITHOUT the 
>styles !!
>	Perhaps I have done something wrong !
>thnax for your help !
>Guido Paschke
>Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
>Charset: noconv
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Guido Paschke 
@ Fachhochschule Nordostniedersachsen FB Wirtschaft

Email: wgp031@rzserv2.fh-lueneburg.de
Valid PGP-key at cl6.fh-lueneburg.de port: 11371

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Received on Thursday, 12 November 1998 04:45:18 UTC