Re: How to change to index.html?

 You can find this information is in the reference documentation of 
 HTTPFrame (not so easy to find, I agree). Actually, you just have to 
 change the "index" value in the HTTPFrame of the directory (Use 
 JigAdmin [2]).

 Note: Use the Reindex button, if you want that change to be 
 propagated to all the children.

 Regards, Benoit.

 [1] /Doc/Reference/org.w3c.jigsaw.frames.HTTPFrame.html#index
 [2] /Doc/User/AdminTools.html
Tek Boon Hian writes:

> I noticed that the default link of a directory is to Overview.html.
> How can I change that to index.html?
> I know I must seem stupi but what the heck?
> I just can't seem to figure it out!
> Please help a new user here, ok?
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- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team      - - + 

Received on Monday, 2 November 1998 03:42:58 UTC