jigadmin is unusable

I am using Jigsaw 2.0b1 with jdk 1.1.5 for linux, and jigadmin is
totally unusable.  I get the jigadmin screen after authenticating, and
the menubar, but no tree view, just a big expanse of nothing but solid

When running jigadmin under solaris at work, it crashes with alarming
regularity, many functions pop up "AWT trap" windows, or print
tracebacks to the terminal.

Jigsaw looks like a dream to a theory geek like me, but I'm completely
turned off by jigadmin's dependence on a wretchedly buggy AWT and
therefore can't even use it for experimentation.

reply to
  cjadams AT 
 dimensional DOT com

please bcc me, do not cc, i don't want the spam the list alone gets.

Received on Saturday, 20 June 1998 19:25:55 UTC