Re: [Spam?] PICS & Servlets

On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Liechti Olivier wrote:

> Hello,
> May I ask for 2 favors ?
> First, I would like to know where to find information for using PICS with
> the latest version of the server. I have found some reference to PICS in
> the old user documentation, buth can't see anything in the new one. By the
> way, is there any implementation available ?

The PICS part hasn't been ported to the 2.0 architecture yet. You will
have to use the 1.0beta2. Two label bureau are implemented in this

> Second, I would like to ask for a reposting of the latest Servlets
> package ?

The mailing archive is available at:
You should be able to find the servlet package.

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Received on Thursday, 11 June 1998 03:58:15 UTC