problem running jigsaw

I cannot run the jigsaw server nor the admin tool after an install with 0
errors and warnings. The following is what I see.


probins@fatlamb>java org.w3c.jigsaw.Main -root /d2/jigsaw/Jigsaw/Jigsaw
Can't find class org.w3c.jigsaw.Main

The install output looked like this:

probins@fatlamb>java Install
                Jigsaw/2.0beta1 setup.

updating /d2/jigsaw/Jigsaw/Jigsaw/config/http-server.props ... done.
updating /d2/jigsaw/Jigsaw/Jigsaw/config/admin-server.props ...done.

Installation complete with 0 warning.

type 'java org.w3c.jigsaw.Main -root /d2/jigsaw/Jigsaw/Jigsaw' to launch Jigsaw.

type 'java org.w3c.jigadm.Main -root /d2/jigsaw/Jigsaw/Jigsaw http://localhost:8009' to launch the JigAdmin tool.

My CLASSPATH variable is:


Any help would be appreciated.



  "kia orana" and "meitaki"        Paul Robins               
                       Mail Stop 9U-971
(650) 933-1282         Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
                       2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
(650) 933-3027 (fax)   Mt. View, CA 94039

Received on Thursday, 7 May 1998 15:09:03 UTC