Re: logs

At 17:17 6.5.1998 +0200, you wrote:
>On Wed, 6 May 1998, Roman Dusek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can anybody explain to me, what exactly appears in each log file in Jigsaw
>> (I mean Log, ErrorLog, TraceLog)? I would also like to know, what exactly
>> happens if I swich the "trace" property (in
>> org.w3c.jigsaw.http.GeneralProp) on - I see no efect.
>To see the trace, you must turn the -trace option at startup ( java
>org.w3c. .... -trace'

-trace option causes writing traces to console, not to trace-log file. Is
it another bug?

>> And my last question - why I still get the "*** Warning: no logger
>> specified, not logging" message on Jigsaw startup, although I've a
>> CommonLogger set up (which is default in Jigsaw 2.0b1) and working (at
>> least errlog is filling up) ?
>Well, once again "the trace is the bug" :) This message is for the admin
>server which has no logger set. If you want to add one, you must add it
>directly in the property file. Anyway, it is just a warning and won't
>cause any problem when you use Jigsaw.

OIC. Thanks.

R. Dusek

>      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
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Received on Wednesday, 6 May 1998 17:05:34 UTC