Re: Server Problem

On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Hariharan L. Thantry wrote:

> Hi Jigsaw(ians),
> I'm new to this list and have tried running the jigsaw server. Everytime I type "java w3c.jigsaw.Main -root d:\javaserver\jigsaw\jigsaw" from the directory d:\javaserver\jigsaw\jigsaw, I get the message "Can't find class w3c/jigsaw/main"

You should set the CLASSPATH variable also, it must be:
set CLASSPATH=INSTDIR\Jigsaw\classes\
Where INSTDIR is the location of Jigsaw.
> My installation directory is d:\javaserver, and my path variable includes the path d:\jdk1.1.3\bin

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Received on Tuesday, 7 April 1998 04:39:02 UTC