Re: swallow the request

I believe you'll have to create a reply of somekind.  But it sounds like you'll
want one that doesn't change the current page.  A couple of ideas to try are:

304 - Not Modified
200 - OK
202- Accepted
408 - Timeout (not a good choice)

...I am not sure what happens when you send 200 and no content. But my
experience with 304 is that the user should see nothing happen. Just create
a reply in your infilter and return it. E.g.:

Reply myReply = request.makeReply(304);
return myReply;


Lv, Qiang wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I set up jigsaw as a proxy server, and write my filter to process my
> special requests which are embedded in html document by myself. My
> another question is:
> Can my filter just accept a request from browser, and not produce a
> reply? I means my filter wants to swallow this request without any
> responses. In another word, how can I stop the further processing in the
> ingoing method of my filter?
> Thanks,
> Qiang
> -------------------------------------------------
> Qiang Lv
> room 4220, ITC building
> CIS department, NJIT
> University Heights
> Newark, NJ 07102
> Tel: 973-596-2863(O)     973-596-2594(H)
> Fax: 973-596-5777
> ------------------------------------------------


Paul Pazandak                            
Object Services and Consulting, Inc.   
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420-5409                       612-884-9551

Received on Tuesday, 31 March 1998 10:18:47 UTC