Re: Adding a filter in Jigsaw 2.0a1

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Noel Welsh wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having trouble adding the example CounterFilter to Jigsaw 2.0 alpha.
> I've followed the documentation, which says to go to /Admin/Editor/User.
> This doesn't exist - I presume this is the old forms-based interface
> that is no longer supported. 
> I've also tried JigAdmin. Going to Root/http-server/space/User and then
> clicking on Frames (so I can add a filter to the resource frame) does
> absolutely nothing. There is a little icon of a document with an
> exclamation mark on the bottom of the screen. I don't know its
> significance. Of the three buttons along the top of JigAdmin (Resource,
> Frames and Attribute) only Attribute does anything.

To add a filter, you need to use jigadmin only (the form based editor has
been removed).
You must use jigadmin, and edit the frames. If you can't, maybe the tar.gz
distributaion was untarred using GNU tar, which leads to strange
Otherwise, the right thing to do if you want to add filter is,
1/ select the resource
2/ open the frame browser (by clicking on the frame helper)
3/ open the little resource node in the new tree
4/ select the protocolframe (commonly HTTPFrame)
5/ Click on "back to add frame"
6/ add your filter there. The new filter will appear as a son of the
   protocol frame, and you can edit it by cliking on it.
Hope this help,

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
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Received on Monday, 16 March 1998 11:58:18 UTC