[www-jigsaw] <none>

------- Forwarded Message

From Benoit.Mahe@sophia.inria.fr  Tue Mar  3 12:07:10 1998

shayes@milum.com writes:

> Benoit,
> I hope you don't mind me sending this directily to you.
> I am having no luck installing a Perl Cgi into jigsaw. I can install it on
> other Web servers on the same machine and it works great. However, I need
> it to work on the jigsaw server to interact with a java part we have
> running on jigasaw.
> I am running my test jigsaw server on a Windows 95 machine, The perl
> interpeter is working fine.
> Can you possible give me a step by step instruction on setting up a perl
> script with jigsaw?

 OK, but I don't know which version you have.

 To run a CGI script you need a CGIResource(*)

 1) put your script in a directory (DirectoryResource)
    (ie WWW/CGI)

 2) In the DirectoryResource "CGI" (1), add a new CGIResource(*)

   + Root
   |--- control
   |--+ http-server
      |--- control
      |--+ indexers
      |--+ properties
      |--+ realms
      |--+ space  
         |--+ Admin
         |--+ Icons
         |--- root 
         |--+ CGI (1)

 3) In the attribute list of the CGIResource(**) modify the following fields:

  - interpreter: put the absolute path of your Perl interpreter
    (my setup: /usr/local/bin/perl)
  - command: put the absolute path of your script with the arguments (if 
    needed). If there is no argument you don't need to modify this field.

 4) Commit you changes.

 (* FileResource+CGIFrame for 2.0alpha)
 (** CGIFrame for 2.0alpha)

 5) Notes:

  classes needed for 1.0:


  classes needed for 2.0: 



------- End of Forwarded Message

- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team           

  http://www.w3.org/People/Mahe - bmahe@w3.org - + 

Received on Tuesday, 3 March 1998 06:08:27 UTC