Re: Jigsaw 2.0beta2 unable to initialize servlet?

Dorab at Digicraft writes:

> I'm running a stock Jigsaw 2.0beta2 on a PowerMac 9600/120 using MacOS 8.1,
> MRJSDK 2.0.1 final, JSDK2.0.  I configured the WWW/servlets directory as
> suggested by the instructions and successfully ran the SnoopServlet that
> comes with JSDK2.0.  However, If I modify the SnoopServlet to have an
> init() method (even just an empty init() method), and then I visit the
> servlet URL with a browser, the web browser reports "Servlet not configured
> properly".  WWW/logs/errlog contains:
> [http-server] started at: Sun Aug 02 12:37:10 PDT 1998.
> org.w3c.jigsaw.servlet.ServletWrapper@/servlets/Snooper: unable to
> initialize servlet, exception: null
> I did verify that the "servlets" resource (the parent of Snooper) does
> contain a ServletDirectoryFrame.
> Any suggestions?

 Ok, I see the problem, you have redifined the init() method without 
 calling the super.init() method but the init method of GenericServlet
 perform some really critical actions like registering the 
 ServletConfig. That's the reason of the exception.

 Regards, Benoit.

- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team      - - + 

Received on Monday, 3 August 1998 04:22:40 UTC