Re: Servlet-problem: Servlet not configured properly

 Ok, you should not extract the content of jsdk.jar, for good reasons 
 Jigsaw does'nt like it. Jigsaw use a specific class loader for 
 servlets and load every classes except those which are in a zip or in
 a jar file. So with your configuration a ClassCastException is 
 thrown when Jigsaw try to initialize your servlet.

 2 solutions:

  1) put the jsdk.jar in your CLASSPATH instead of the extracted 
     directories sun and javax.
  2) set the auto-reload flag to off (in ServletWrapper), then Jigsaw 
    will use the System ClassLoader.

 Regards, Benoit.

Peter Doemel writes:

> Hi all,
> my problem is that I cannot convince jigsaw to run any servlets :-(
> I'm using the release
> (fetched today) and the JSDK2.0 by sun.
> The java environments I tried to run jigsaw with servlets are:
> On Windows NT:
> 	- The Java runtime which comes with Symantec Visual Cafe
> 	  PDE 2.5 (its some kind of JDK 1.1).
> 	- The jdk1.1.5 for NT by Sun.
> On HP-UX 10.20:
> 	- The jdk1.1.5 implementation by HP.
> In the following descriptions I'm including the name of
> my WinNT-Machine which is "abbey".
> Using the new documentation which comes with 2.0beta2 under the URL
> 	http://abbey:8001/Doc/User/servlets.html
> I exactly followed the directions in the section "How do I install
> a servlet?" with the only exception that I'm using the SimpleServlet
> from the JSDK2.0 instead of a DateServlet.
> When jigsaw tries to load a servlet when I'm using the URL
> 	http://abbey:8001/servlets/SimpleServlet
> I get the following message in the generated HTML page:
> 	Servlet not configured properly
> Here is an excerpt from the Jigsaw/logs/errlog:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [http-server] Properties \
> D:\Programme\Jigsaw\Jigsaw\config\http-server.props have been saved.
> [http-server] started at: Thu Jul 23 07:39:42 GMT+00:00 1998.
> org.w3c.jigsaw.servlet.ServletWrapper@/servlets/SimpleServlet: unable \
> to initialize servlet, exception: SimpleServlet
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> and an excerpt from the Jigsaw/logs/servlets:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> [23/Jui/1998:07:39:54 +0] Servlet Logger started
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ok. I guess it must be a tiny configuration thing or maybe it's
> some kind of security problem or whatever what prevents me from
> running servlets using jigsaw. It would be great if somebody
> could help me and tell me "which flag to toggle" or what kind
> of "" to set somewhere.
> By the way I encountered exactly the same behaviour using
> jigsaw_2.0beta1.tar.gz and the "Servlet package for JSDK2.0"
> posted by Benoit Mahe on 26 May 1998. I even rebuilt the whole
> jigsaw using SymantecCafe.
> Here's some more information about how I configured things:
> I sometimes encountered strange problems related to the CLASSPATH
> definition. So to be on the safe side with this, I extracted
> .../Jigsaw/classes/ as well as the jsdk.jar contents to the
> directory $HOME/Java/classes and also put the SimpleServlet.class from
> the JSDK into this directory.
> The CLASSPATH includes the "." directory as well as the
> "$HOME/Java/classes" directory.
> The org.w3c.jigsaw.resources.DirectoryResource for the WWW/servlets
> directory had already been created automatically (as mentioned in
> the instructions). This resource already contained a
> org.w3c.jigsaw.frames.HTTPFrame as well as a
> describing the file
> SimpleServlet.class (as part of the space/servlets
> DirectoryResource). I manually removed the
> org.w3c.jigsaw.frames.HTTPFrame (with the identifier "frame-0") as
> instructed from the servlets DirectoryResource, and only left the
> new ServletDirectoryFrame (keeping the identifier "frame-1").
> I added and commited the value "SimpleServlet" to the
> org.w3c.jigsaw.servlet.ServletWrapper field servlet-class.
> The identifier of the ServletWrapper also is "SimpleServlet".
> I would be glad for any help. Do I maybe have to modify a property
> in jigadm here: Root/http-server/properties/Servlets?
> Ciao,
> Peter
> -- 
>          _____________________________________________________________ 
>         /  ______                                                   / ) 
>        /  / _____)    peter doemel       senior software architect / / 
>       /  / /    / )                                               / / 
>      /  /_/____/ /  inm numerical magic  phone: +49-69-941963-56 / / 
>     /  / /      /  daimlerstr. 32        fax: +49-69-941963-22  / / 
>    /  / /      /  d-60314 frankfurt/main                       / / 
>   /    /______/  germany                                      / / 
>  /___________________________________________________________/ / 
> (______________doemel@inm.de________________________________(_/

- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Team      - - + 

Received on Thursday, 23 July 1998 08:00:27 UTC