Can Jigsaw run background in Win95

Dear All,
	I installed Jigsaw 2.0beta1 in my Win95 and create a bat file in a startup 
menu. I known that the last version of Jigsaw(1.0) can install to be a drive
r of WinNT(use autostart) which run jigsaw all times. But, in Win95, if I lo
gout from the system, it will shutdown every application.
	I don't want to shutdown the jigsaw event I logout. Can I do this? How?

----------<Somchai Limsiroratana>
W Agric. Process Engineering and Technology Lab.   H c/o Tawa sama         
W Dept. of Bio-production Engineering,             H Tanaka-asukai-cho 60  
W Division of Environmental Science and Technology H Sakyo-ku, Kyoto       
W Graduate School of Agric. Science,               H 606-8226 JAPAN        
W KYOTO UNIVERSITY, Kyoto, JAPAN 606-01            H Tel:075-703-8169

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 1998 03:44:30 UTC