Re: architecture questions

Lv, Qiang wrote:

> Hi,
> 1. If several filters are hooked to one resource, which order will these
> filters get called? By the registration time?

Yes, I believe they get called in the order they were added... to verify
thisyou can call getFilters() on your FilteredResource to inspect the list

> 2. What is the difference between perform() method and lookup() method
> of a resource?

perform() executes an HTTP operation on a resource, lookup()  is
associatedwith the pre-processing (e.g. authorization) of a resource. Look
at the docs for


> Thanks,
> Qiang
> --
> -------------------------------------------------
> Qiang Lv
> room 4220, ITC building
> CIS department, NJIT
> University Heights
> Newark, NJ 07102
> Tel: 973-596-2863(O)     973-596-2594(H)
> Fax: 973-596-5777
> ------------------------------------------------


Paul Pazandak                            
Object Services and Consulting, Inc.   
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420-5409                       612-881-6498

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 1998 10:31:41 UTC