Jigsaw Problem Now!!!

The Jigsaw problem I described in a priviouse email just happened now.

Jigsaw refuses every connection since yesterday evening. In the errlog file
there are only a lot of entries like:
[http-server] <host> refused (overloaded).

I cannot believe that there was no request timeout (= 3000000 ms = 50 min)
till yesterday evening as I created a new errlog file. So I started JigAdmin
and increased MaxClients to 80. Now it is possible to connect to Jigsaw
again, but I can see only the html page without pictures.
The resource /Admin/threads shows only 20 threads, 1, 9 and 20 are missing.
And the resource /Admin/stats shows:

It has now been running for 7 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes and 59 seconds.


Request processing times:
min: 0
avg: 28
max: 45926

Thread counts:
free 0
idle 0
total 31

Current load: 4

netstat on my WinNT shows 26 connections to Jigsaw.

Shouldn't there be a log entry when a request exeeds the request timeout and
the request is killed?

What can I do find out what causes the problem?


Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Platzer
Technische Universitaet Graz - University of Technology Graz
Institut für Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung
und Kommunikationstechnologien
Klosterwiesgasse 32/I, A-8010 Graz,
Tel: ++43 316 873-5527,Fax: ++43 316 873-5520
URL <http://www.iaik.tu-graz.ac.at/index.html>

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 1998 03:44:06 UTC