Jigsaw 2.0alpha1a: Need a blue print for servlets


I' am trying to use Jigsaw with servlets but i got some pb. Is there a blue 
print to configure jigsaw for servlets and to install a servlet onto the 
server. Following the Jisaw FAQ, I am trying to install a DateServlet servlet 
but at the step 3., i do not have any class "w3c.jigsaw.servlet.ServletDirector
y" in the Resources editor helper.

Do i need to use JDK 1.2 ? ( i usally run JDK 1.1.5) ? Do i need any special 
requirements ?

Please, help !


  bonhomme@loria.fr               |      Office : B.228
  http://www.loria.fr/~bonhomme   |      Phone  : 03 83 59 20 37
   * Projet Aquarelle : http://aqua.inria.fr
   * Serveur Silfide  : http://www.loria.fr/Projet/Silfide

Received on Monday, 9 February 1998 07:52:14 UTC