Re: Autostart in Linux (S.U.S.E)

On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, Carsten-Schulz wrote:

> I look for the start/stop Skipt for Linux, that start Jigsaw when Linux is
> startup and stop Jigsaw when Linux shutdown.

It depends on the way the init files of your machine are done (mainly if 
it is BSD styl or sysV style, ask your sysadmin about that.
But. As it will be started as root, it would be safe to start it 
chrooted, you will then need to recompile the little piece of native code 
called (The version in the distribution is the solaris2.5 
version). Everything is in Jigsaw/src/lib/unix.

> Has somebody this? I use S.U.S.E. Linux 5.1.
> Bye,
>   Carsten.
>   From: Carsten Schulz
>         FH, Lueneburg
>  eMail:
>    WWW:
> Origin: Ups, wie die Zeit vergeht.

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Received on Wednesday, 7 January 1998 04:22:47 UTC