using jigadmin to add a resource

I am having trouble adding resources using Jigadmin. I was finally able 
to add the tutorials example, FancyResources, after placing its class 
file in nested directories: \w3c\jigsaw\tutorials. However, I am trying 
to add the following java file:

package w3c.jigsaw.tutorials;

import w3c.jigsaw.http.*;
import w3c.jigsaw.forms.*;
import w3c.jigsaw.html.*;
import w3c.jigsaw.resources.*; 
import w3c.jigsaw.*;
import w3c.www.http.*;

class MyNameResource extends PostableResource
        public Reply handle(Request request, URLDecoder data) 
                throws HTTPException
		HtmlGenerator g = new HtmlGenerator("What is your name"); // set title
		g.append("<h1>The data you entered</h1>");
		g.append("your name is: ", data.getValue("name"));
		Reply reply = createDefaultReply(request, HTTP.OK);
		return reply;

I put the class file in the \w3c\jigsaw\tutorials and verified the 
classpath environment variable, but Jigadmin won’t add it as a resource. 
Does the java program itself need to extend a certain class, or contain 
a certain import statement, in order for Jigadmin to add it? I don’t get 


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