Re: Request Timeouts and filters

On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, Jacob W. Anderson wrote:

> It seems that jigsaw 1.0beta-1 doens't pass reply messages through
> its filters when its configured as a proxy and its request 
> times-out.  What I want to do is trigger an event when a request
> timeout occurs in the proxy and still pass the timeout error to
> the client.  Right now, the proxy only sends the request through
> my filter (propRequestFilter) and not the error reply.

If a filter is not called, it must be because of an early return of a 
reply done by another filter,
There are 3 methods right now:
ingoingFilter   before trying to perform the request
exceptionFilter if an error occur during the request (exception raised
outgoiingFilter when the request has been processed.

the exception filter should be the method you want to implement. See 
ProxyDispatcher, which use this method to detect down proxies.

> I see the w3c.jigsaw.filters.ErrorFilter, but am not quite sure
> how to configure my jigsaw proxy to use it .....  since I can't
> load the Admin page from my proxy (it won't act as a server AND
> a proxy at the same time), how do I set resource filters???

ErrorFilter is a server-side filter, not a client-side one. So you should 
attach it to the proxy resource and redefine the 504.
The server can act as a proxy and a server, specify the local-root 
attribute of your proxy to be "root", and you can access your files as 
before turning the server into a proxy. It is in the tutorial about 
configuring a proxy (you will find more detailed explanations).
eg: the form-based configuration will be accessible from 

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Received on Monday, 6 October 1997 08:32:48 UTC