Re: ServletDirectory resource

Yves Lafon wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Sep 1997, Ross Golder wrote:
> > Currently having problems with JigAdmin. The VM (Sun's JDK1.1.3 for
> > Solaris 2.5.1) is dumping core because of Motif problems. Haven't got
> > time to worry about it, so I'm trying to use
> I had the same problem with the jdk on Sun. I removed a file in the jdk
> installation and everything ran fine after that.
> the file is in jdk/lib/

Yup, this seemed to work for me.

> For the Servlet thing, just try to do it with JigAdmin instead, as the
> form-based may not have been cmpletely updated with the all the beta-1
> new things.

In the end I ran JigAdmin from a Win95 machine and from a Linux box,
administering the two (different ports) running Jigsaws on the Solaris box.
I also succesfully got a servlet to work using the form-based
administration tool.

However, on looking at the standard error log file I notice that the
servlet is destroy()-ed and init()-ted on each invocation, and that when I
update the class file, it isn't reloaded unless I restart the server. This
is obviously a hinderence for servlet developers.

All in all though, I'm _very_ impressed! Keep up the good work.

Ross Golder
Technical Dept
CPD Ltd, Whetstone, London, N20 9LD.
Tel: +44 (0) 973 897671 (Work)

Received on Monday, 15 September 1997 05:16:48 UTC