bug under Linux

I can't set Jigsaw directory attribute, As I have been proposed
I tryied to move down to jdk-1.1.1 but it does not change anything.

Looking more inside code it look like to me that there is a
problem at line 89 of  w3c/jigsaw/indexer/Directory.java

I think in line "defs.put("resource-store", getResourceStore());"
The only error I see is that getResourceStore() could return
a nill pointer, which make Hashtable put method generating
an exception. 

I tryied move more inside code but it is "opaque" to me.

Does someone already solve the probleme, I would like to
run a directory property like explained in CVS tutorial
[note adding a filter to Admin works].

Thank you for your help.
La vitesse peut tuer: Utilisez Windows    (o^o)
phillf@fridu.com, Philippe Le Foll Fridu (+33/0)609.794.781

Received on Saturday, 6 September 1997 09:15:11 UTC