Two problems.

Alexandre Rafalovitch writes:
 > 1. w3c.jigsaw.http.Logger has default (package) protected constructor.
 > That does not allow to create any logger classes that are not in that
 > package. I don't think there are any security issues in having it public.

Seee yet another overstatement in package accesses, I'll make the
constructor public,

 > 2. HttpResource.delete calls parent.markModified() before it calls
 > super.delete. As a result, any container class overriding markModified
 > would not know what happens when resourse is requested to be deleted as
 > the resource is still there. I do not see why is it so. I have a current
 > workaround (basically mark that something changed and deal with it on
 > request) which works well, but I would like to understand the logic of
 > current implementation.

I am not sure I understand. As far as I recall, the markModified trick
is to enable accurate container listing (in the case that listing get


Received on Wednesday, 11 June 1997 05:24:05 UTC