Re: need keyword search of Jigsaw mail archive

On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Budd, Sinclair wrote:

>  The mailing archive  for Jigsaw has become very big.
> Searching for a particular item is now not feasable
> by a simple scan thru all the mailings.
> I know that the priority on this matter is low,
> and time spent on jigsaw might be better spent
> than on the producing a keyword search of the list
> but in the long term it would help a lot.

What about server side resource for a mailing list that would present a
nice view of it and would allow some goodies. I can think of some ideas
1) Sorting by subject/author/date/date-range/etc
2) Filtering by body/subject/author. This would allow only to see Anselm's
replys for example.
3) checking the articles that arrived after you checked the archive last
time (using cookies on client browser)

Does anybody else have a good idea of what they want? It could be a great
example of Jigsaw use. One could probably even use that as in interface to
personal mailing lists at home.... :-}

I would be interested to implement that (time allowing) if a good
specification could be developed. (not my strongest point)


Received on Thursday, 5 June 1997 20:38:40 UTC