FAQ: setting the proxy

Embarrassing, but there it is....
I just wasted an embarrassing amount of time trying to configure
jigsaw as a proxy....
Please make the following modification to the FAQ:

> Once the new resource is created, set it as the root resource of your
> server, by pointing your browser to /Admin/Properties/general and
> setting the root resource's name property (w3c.jigsaw.root.name) to
> proxy. Then select OK.

---> Jigsaw is now running as a proxy.  Reconfigure your browser to
reflect this!

> Now point your browser to /Admin/Properties and select the Save
> Properties link.

As far as I can tell, non-proxy connections to jigsaw
will now fail by hanging. Is this correct?


Received on Friday, 30 May 1997 17:19:31 UTC