Re: proxy use of jigsaw (fwd)

Forwarded message:
> From Fri May 30 12:43 CDT 1997
> Joseph M. Futrelle writes:
>  > Another cool thing about Squid is ICP, the internet cache protocol, which
>  > allows a proxy server to participate in a hierarchy of proxy servers which
>  > can share each other's caches. Jigsaw contains an ICPFilter in
>  > w3c.www.protocol.http.icp, but I don't know how to use it :(, is anyone
>  > doing this?
> Have you tried reading:

Whoops, guess I should RTFM ;)

> Ad: once you understand the ICP filter, make sure to check the mICP
> filter, and then the ProxyDispatcher (redirect to
> the Powered by Jigsaw icon, pretty nifty)

This is analogous to Squid's access control stuff, plus its
"redirector processes", which are arbitrary executables it starts up
(could be shell scripts, for example) which rewrite URLs before
they're proxied. Jigsaw could support this pretty easily for UNIX; a
redirector process just reads one URL per line and emits either a
blank line, meaning use the URL unchanged, or a new URL which can be
anything. It's convenient to use regexes in sed, awk, or perl for this
kind of thing.

Joe Futrelle
Developer, Joule/Jigsaw Java/HTTP
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
(217) 265-0296

Received on Friday, 30 May 1997 14:04:12 UTC