root resource

I need a www server with this feature:

Every URL request (GET;PUT,POST, ecc) like 
are passed to a cgi resource  that manages the full url  through a 
	'select page from WWW where a=aaaa and  b=bbbb and c=kkash'
if the select is empty the server responde in the classic way, 
taking / aaaaa/bbbb/kkash/khkh from the file system for example.

Can I use Jigsaw and how.
I look that i can set a root resource, is this a possible way ?


|Francesco Pasqualini                   |
|GLAMM Interactive  V.le Corsica 7, 20133 Milano|
|Tel.   +39 - 2 - 74.81.171                Fax.   +39 - 2 - 74.81.172|

Received on Friday, 30 May 1997 10:38:17 UTC