Re: Handling of redirections

Oh, OK.  I thought that it was something new because of the new
AuthFilter and its GUI. Where do filters fit in on the client-side API?


Anselm Baird_Smith wrote:

> Mark Friedman writes:
>  > Is there a spec (or other documentation) for the "client" side that
>  > you're referring to here that uses the new AuthFilter? There seems
> to be
>  > a GUI in there somewhere. When and how is that used? What actually
> is
>  > this "client" stuff? I don't see anything in the release notes or
>  > documentation about it.
> The "client" side was writen for the proxy initially. It turns out
> that because the way Java is, you can use it for other purposes (ie
> you can make HotJava run with that client side API, by usinf the above
> mentionned property)
> There is not much docs, but 1.0alpha5 came with a list of available
> filters. The AUthFilter is not used by the proxy, but is meant for GUI
> clients (that's why it pops up a dialkog to getr the user/password)
> Anselm

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 1997 15:43:09 UTC