Re: Handling of redirections

Is there a spec (or other documentation) for the "client" side that
you're referring to here that uses the new AuthFilter? There seems to be
a GUI in there somewhere. When and how is that used? What actually is
this "client" stuff? I don't see anything in the release notes or
documentation about it.


Anselm Baird_Smith wrote:

> Mark Friedman writes:
>  > Woah, I obviously missed something in the move to alpha5. So is the
>  > stuff in classes/w3c/jigsaw/auth/ (including AuthFilter) obsolete?
> Could
>  > anybody summarize the differences/improvements?
> Sorry for any confusion, I was speaking of the *client* side. Auth etc
> has not changed on the server side (nor on the client side in fact)
> since 1.0alpha1 ?)
> Anselm.

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 1997 14:14:24 UTC